Jul 29, 2022
This Summer, between seasons, we're talking about why we love Summer. Something in the imagination binds together the things of Summer. Last episode we contemplated the sounds of the Summer. This episode we imbibe the Cinema of the Summer. Join us as we contemplate one of the great movies of Summer, “Jaws”.
Jul 15, 2022
Two Summers ago, we reviewed Bruce Brown’s movie, The Endless Summer. The film captured our desire, and our need, for Summer. Summer is a season, a foreshadow, and for some, a way of life. Its literal meaning is in its metaphor. This week we kick off the Summer season by imbibing the sounds of the Summer. In this...
Jul 1, 2022
What do President John Adams, Bishop Fulton Sheen and the 4th of July have in common? And why should you care? Pull up a chair and celebrate the birth of the United States with some philosophical fireworks and an unusual brew of philosophers.